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Indonesian train

Description: Indonesian train Rating: 5.0 Reviewer: farkhandhika ItemReviewed: Indonesian train


Batik is one way of making fabric. Besides batik can refer to two things. The first is the technique of coloring cloth using the night to prevent staining part of the fabric. In the literature of international, this technique is known as a wax-resist dyeing. The second notion is a fabric or clothing made with these techniques, including the use of certain motifs that its uniqueness. Batik Indonesia, as the overall engineering , technology , and development patterns and related culture, by UNESCO has been designated a Cultural Heritage for Humanity Oral and Nonbendawi (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) since October 2 , 2009 .

The art of dyeing cloth with obstacles staining technique using night is one of the ancient art form. Discoveries in Egypt showed that this technique has been known since the 4th century BC, with the discovery of cloth wrapping mummies are also coated the night to form a pattern. In Asia , batik similar technique is also applied in China during the T'ang Dynasty (618-907) as well as in India and Japan during the Nara Period (645-794). In Africa , a technique known as batik Yoruba tribe in Nigeria , as well as the Tribe Soninke and Wolof in Senegal . In Indonesia , batik is believed to have existed since the Majapahit era, and became very popular late eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Produced batik batik is all up to the early twentieth century and the new batik known after World War I , or sometime in the 1920s.

Although the word "batik" comes from the Javanese, the presence of batik in Java itself is not recorded. GP Rouffaer argue that the technique of batik was likely introduced from India or Sri Lanka in the 6th century, or to-7. [2] On the other hand, JLA Brandes (Dutch archaeologist) and FA Sutjipto (archaeologist Indonesia) believe that the tradition of batik is a native of areas such as Toraja , Flores , Halmahera and Papua . It should be noted that the region is not an area that is influenced by Hinduism, but known to the ancient tradition of making batik. [4]

GP Rouffaer gringsing also reported that the pattern has been known since the 12th century in Kediri , East Java . He concluded that this pattern can only be formed by using a canting , so he argues that the canting is found in Java in the period surrounding it. [4] Detailed carvings that resemble the pattern of batik cloth worn by the Prajnaparamita , the Buddhist statues of the goddess of wisdom from the East Java century -13. Detailed dress pattern featuring vines and delicate flowers similar to the traditional Javanese batik patterns that can be found now. This suggests that creating an intricate batik patterns can only be made ​​with a canting has been known in Java since the 13th century or even earlier.

Legend in the literature Malays of the 17th century, Sulalatus Salatin told Admiral Hang Nadim ordered by Sultan Mahmud to sail to India to get 140 pieces of cloth with a pattern of 40 litter types of flowers on each page. Being unable to fulfill orders, he made himself the fabrics were. But unfortunately shipwrecked on the way home and only capable of carrying four pieces that make the emperor disappointed. By some commentators, who? litter was interpreted as batik.

In European literature, batik technique was first described in the book History of Java (London, 1817) writings Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles . He became governor of Britain in Java during Napoleon occupied the Netherlands. In 1873 a Dutch merchant Van Rijekevorsel give a piece of batik earned during his visit to Indonesia to Ethnic Museum in Rotterdam and at the beginning of the 19th century that began to reach the golden age batik. When exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1900, Indonesian batik amaze the public and artists.

Since industrialization and globalization, which introduces automation techniques, batik is a new type emerged, known as batik and printed batik, while that produced by traditional batik techniques using a canting handwriting and night is called batik. At the same time immigrants from Indonesia to Malaya Fellowship batik also bring with them.

Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (particularly Java) since long. Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik for a living, so that in the past, batik work is exclusively women's work to finding "Batik Cap" which allows the entry of men into the field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely the coastal batik has the masculine lines as can be seen in shades of "Mega Clouds", which in some coastal areas batik work is common for men.

Tradition of batik was originally a tradition for generations, so that sometimes a recognizable motif batik originated from a particular family. Some batik motif could indicate a person's status. Even today, some batik motif tadisional only used by the family palace of Yogyakarta and Surakarta .

Batik is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia (Java) which is still there. Batik is also first introduced to the world by President Soeharto, who was then wearing batik at the UN Conference.

A variety of shades and colors of Batik is influenced by various foreign influences. Initially, batik has a variety of shades and colors are limited, and some patterns may only be used by certain circles. But batik coastal absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders, and also in the end, the invaders. Bright colors like red popularized by the Chinese , who also popularized the phoenix pattern. European colonial nations also took an interest in batik, and the result is a style unknown before flowers (like tulips) as well as objects brought by the colonizers (buildings or horse-drawn carriage), as well as their favorite colors such as blue. Retain traditional batik s type, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, because usually each style has a representation of each.

Batik was originally made ​​on material with white color made ​​of cotton , called cloth . Today batik is also made ​​on other materials such as silk , polyester , rayon and other synthetic materials. motif batik is formed with a liquid wax using a tool called a canting for subtle motif, or a brush to a large motif, so that the liquid wax to seep into the fibers cloth. Fabrics that have been painted with wax and then dyed with the color desired, usually starting from the light colors. Immersion and then taken to another motif with color or black older. After some time the coloring process, which has dibatik cloth dipped in chemicals to dissolve the wax.

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Description: BATIK Rating: 5.0 Reviewer: farkhandhika ItemReviewed: BATIK

KOMODO, The Giant Lizards


Komodo, or more so-called Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis ), is a species oflizard in the world who live on the island of Komodo , Rinca , Flores , Gili Motang , and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. is the native Komodo Komodo island is also known by the name of the local ora.

Including members of the family lizard Varanidae , and klad Toxicofera , dragons are the largest lizards in the world, with an average length of 2-3 m . Large size is associated with symptoms of island gigantism , the tendency for body meraksasanya certain animals that live on a small island linked to the absence of mammalian carnivore on the island where dragons live, and the rate of metabolism of the small dragons. Because of the body, these lizards occupy predator peaks that dominate the ecosystems in which they live.

Komodo discovered by western researchers in 1910. Her body is great and terrible reputation that makes them popular in zoos. Dragons in the wild habitat has been shrinking due to human activity and hence the IUCN put the dragons as a species vulnerable to extinction.This large lizard is now protected under Indonesian law and a national park , the Komodo National Park , established to protect them.

In the wild, adult dragons usually weigh about 70 kilograms, but the dragons kept in captivity often have a greater body weight. Wild specimens of the largest ever of 3:13 meters in length and weigh about 166 pounds, including the weight of the undigested food in his stomach. Although the dragon was recorded as the largest living lizard, but not the longest. This reputation is held by Papua lizard (Varanus salvadorii).

Komodo has the same tail length of the body, and about 60 pieces of sharp serrated teeth along about 2.5 cm , which is often replaced. komodo dragons saliva is often mixed with small amount of blood because of their teeth is almost completely covered by gingival tissue and the tissue was torn during a meal . This condition creates an ideal environment for the growth ofbacteria that live in your mouth shut them.

Komodo has a long tongue, yellow and branching. Komodo dragons males larger than females, with a skin color from dark gray to brick red, whereas female dragons over green olives, and has a small piece of yellow on the throat. Young Komodo dragons are more colorful, with yellow, green and white on a black background.

Komodo does not have the sense of hearing, despite having the ear hole. of this Lizard is able to see as far as 300 m, but because the retina has only cone cells , the animal is probably not so good to see in the dark of night. Komodo is able to distinguish colors, but not much able to distinguish objects that are immobile.

Komodo uses his tongue to detect taste and smell stimuli , like other reptiles, with a sense ofvomeronasal use of Jacobson's organ , an ability that can help navigate in the dark. With the help of the wind and the habit of tilting his head side to side when walking, komodo can detect the presence of carrion as far as 4-9.5 kilometers. dragons nostrils olfaction is not a good tool because they do not have the midriff . These animals have no sense of taste on the tongue, there are few nerve endings taste in the back of the throat. 

Komodo dragon scales, some of which are reinforced with bone, has a sensor that is connected to nerves that facilitate excitatory touch. Scales around the ears, lips, chin, and soles of the feet have three or more sensor stimulation.

Komodo been considered deaf when the study found that whisper, voice rising and shouting did not result in agitation (interference) in the wild dragons. This was later refuted when employees ZSL London Zoo , Joan Proctor trained lizards to eat out with his voice, even when he is not seen by the lizard. 

Komodo dragons are naturally found only in Indonesia, on the island of Komodo, Rinca and Flores and several other islands in Nusa Tenggara . Living in open dry grasslands, savannas and tropical forests at low altitude, these lizards like this place is hot and dry. They are active during the day, although sometimes also active at night. Komodo is a solitary animal, gathered together only at meals and breed.

This large reptile can scoot to 20 miles per hour at short distances; swim very well and can dive as deep as 4.5 meters; are good at climbing trees and using their powerful claws. To catch prey that is outside its reach, the Komodo dragon may stand on its hind legs and uses its tail as a support. With increasing age, more dragons using his claws as weapons, because of its large size made ​​it difficult to climb trees.

For shelter, dragons dig holes 1-3 meters wide with the front legs and strong claws. Because of her size and habit of sleeping in a hole, dragons can maintain body heat during the night and reduce the time sunbathing on the next morning. Komodo generally hunt in the afternoon to evening, but still take shelter during the hottest part of the day. These places are usually hidden dragons in the dunes or hills with the sea breeze, the open of the vegetation , and here and there animal feces scattered inhabitants. It is generally also a strategic location for the ambush deer .

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Description: KOMODO, The Giant Lizards Rating: 5.0 Reviewer: farkhandhika ItemReviewed: KOMODO, The Giant Lizards

RAJA AMPAT INDONESIA : The Best Underwater Expedition in the World

Ampat or 'Four Kings' is the name given to these islands. A name derived from a local myth. The four main islands in question are Waigeo, Salawati, Batanta, Misool who is the producer of the ancient rock paintings.

Underwater tours lovers from around the world flocked to it to enjoy the best underwater scenery in the world are amazing. Two days earlier, when you're in a crowded Bali wrapped in sacred art as well as catching a plane to the head end of New Guinea birds. Furthermore, be prepared for an unforgettable adventure. Start your tour from here to dive under the sea is the most beautiful. Explore the underwater vertical walls that. Feel the tension also diving, palpitations while vacillating ocean currents. That certainly will be an unforgettable personal experience in Raja Ampat.

Area of ​​the islands in the Raja Ampat is very broad, covering 4.6 million hectares of land and sea. This is where the home to 540 species of coral, 1511 species of fish and 700 species of molluscs. Biota wealth has made ​​Raja Ampat as a living library of the collection of coral reefs and marine life of the world's most diverse. In fact, according to a report by The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International, there are about 75% of the world's marine species live in this amazing island.

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Description: RAJA AMPAT INDONESIA : The Best Underwater Expedition in the World Rating: 5.0 Reviewer: farkhandhika ItemReviewed: RAJA AMPAT INDONESIA : The Best Underwater Expedition in the World


is a burial or cremation ceremony of Hindu people in Bali, Indonesia. Cremation ceremony is a ritual performed to send the bodies to the next life. Bodies should be put asleep, and the family left behind will always think so (asleep). No tears, because corpses are temporarily absent and will undergo reinkarnasa or find last pengistirahatan Moksha (free from the wheel of death and reincarnation).

Appropriate day for this event are always discussed with people who understand. On this day, the body is placed in a coffin corpses and death. Peti-off is placed in a sarcophagus that resembles the ox or the temple-shaped container made ​​of wood and paper. Form of an ox, or the temple brought to the cremation through a procession. The procession is not running on a straight road. This is to confuse evil spirits and keep him away from the corpse.

The highlight is the burning keluruhan Ngaben structure (Ox or temple made ​​of wood and paper), along with the corpses. The fire needed to liberate the spirit from the body and facilitate reincarnation.

Cremation is not always done with segaera. For members of high caste, it is reasonable to perform this ritual within 3 days. But for members of lower castes, the bodies were buried first and then, usually in a group event to a village, cremated.

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Description: NGABEN BALI Rating: 5.0 Reviewer: farkhandhika ItemReviewed: NGABEN BALI


Gamelan is a musical ensemble that usually highlight metallophones, xylophone, drums, and gongs. The term gamelan refers to the instrument / tool, which is a unified whole that is realized and sounded together. The word itself comes from Gamelan Java language gamel which means hitting / beating, followed by an ending that makes it a noun. Gamelan orchestra mostly located on the island of Java, Madura, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia in various types of ensemble sizes and shapes. In Bali and Lombok today, and in Java through the 18th century, the term is considered synonymous with the gong more gamelan.
Preceded the emergence of gamelan with Hindu-Buddhist culture that dominated Indonesia in the early days of recording history, which also represents the original Indonesian art. Instrument was developed to shape up like this at the time of the Majapahit Kingdom. In contrast to the music of India, the only impact of the India-an in gamelan music is how menyanikannya. In Javanese mythology, the gamelan dicipatakan by Sang Hyang Guru in Saka Era, the god who controlled all the land of Java, with a castle on the mountain Mahendra in Medangkamulan (now Mount Lawu). Sang Hyang Guru is first created the gong to summon the gods. For a more specific message and then create two gongs, then eventually formed gamelan set. [Citation needed]
The description of the ensemble's first musical instrument was found in the temple of Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, which has stood since the 8th century. Musical instruments such as bamboo flute, bells, drums in various sizes, harp, stringed musical instrument that is swiped and learned, is found in the relief. However, little is found elements of metal musical instruments. However, the relief of the instrument is said to be the origin of the gamelan.
Tuning and making gamelan orchestra is a complex process. Gamelan using a four-way tuning, the slendro, slendro, "gamelan" (special area of ​​Sunda, or West Java), and "madenda" (also known as the diatonic, the same as the original minor scale that is widely used in Europe.
Gamelan music is a combination of the influence of foreign art that diverse. Not regard the tone of Chinese musical instruments of Southeast Asia, drum band and move to music from India, bowed strings of the Middle East, Europe and even the military style that we hear the traditional music of Java and Bali today.
The interaction component is loaded with melody, rhythm and timbre to maintain the glory of Balinese gamelan orchestra music. The pillars of this music brings together a range of rural community character of Bali is the typical order of music which is an inseparable part of everyday life.

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Description: GAMELAN Rating: 5.0 Reviewer: farkhandhika ItemReviewed: GAMELAN


Puppet is a performing arts thriving native Indonesia in Java and Bali.
UNESCO, in charge of cultural institutions of the United Nations, on 7 November 2003 set as the wayang shadow puppet show of the famous Indonesia, a world heritage priceless masterpiece in the art speak (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity).Actually, puppet shows not only in Indonesia. Many countries have a puppet show.However, performing shadow puppet (wayang) in Indonesia has its own style of speech and keunikkan, which is a genuine masterpiece of Indonesia. And to put it into the UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2003.
There was no evidence to suggest wayang existed before Hinduism spread in South Asia.It is estimated performing arts brought in by Indian traders. However, the local genius, culture that existed before the entry of Hindus together with the development of performing arts coming to give its own color on the performing arts in Indonesia. Until now, the early records that can be obtained about puppet shows from inscriptions Balitung in Century 4, which reads "the Galigi mawayang"
When the Hindu religion in Indonesia and adjust the existing culture, art show to be an effective medium to spread the Hindu religion, where puppet shows using the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Similarly, when the advent of Islam, when the show featuring "God" or "God" in human form is prohibited, came the puppets made of cowhide, which is now just a shadow watched the show alone, we now know as shadow puppets.
To propagate, grow well Sadat puppets that introduce Islamic values.
Even when the Catholic missionary, Father Timotheus L. Wignyosubroto SJ in 1960 in its mission to spread the Catholic religion to develop Puppet Revelation, which is the source of the story comes from the Bible.
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Description: WAYANG Rating: 5.0 Reviewer: farkhandhika ItemReviewed: WAYANG